Delaneys Corner sign at Nirranda, Australia

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February 21, 2011 - 10:51 AM
Joe Delaney

Hi Marie
Great to see your Guestbook posting.I remember Dinny ODonnell well as a footballer/cricketer with CYMS and the OD bros tyre service - is that right?
It is interesting that Rodreck Carmedy (that's the way he wrote it in the petition) is your ancestor - unfortunately he opposed my g/father Patrick Delaney!!!!!!. I have a copy of the huge govt file relating to the dispute about the land - amazing that they fought so much about a piece of land that still remains marginal for farming.
Patricia Carmody (m. Kevin Lee, Terang) is another Carmody to marry into the Delaney clan. Her ancestors were Clarence (father) thenThomas, John and Roderick
Maurice does a magnificent job designing and maintaining the website doesnt he?
Joe Delaney

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